Happy420.com is FOR SALE

What is the Most Memorable
Saying in Cannabis Culture ?
Happy 420 is unquestionably one of the most iconic phrases in the cannabis community.
It's fun, it's friendly, and the whole world has for decades known Happy 420.
4:20 hits twice a day, every day...
And, of course, April 20th (4/20) is the internationally celebrated holiday!
The Ultimate Cannabis Brand:
Happy 420 blends positivity with cultural relevance that resonates within the cannabis community — a powerhouse name for any combo of cannabis ventures — spanning dispensaries, white-label products, lifestyle brands, accessories, e-commerce, events, social media, consumables, wellness, etc. — distinct and unforgettable.
Happy420.com isn’t just an iconic domain name — it’s a ready-made brand with instant cultural recognition and versatile potential for growth across the cannabis industry — from branding / rebranding to emerging market trends.

Cannabis Domain Name Sales
While some of the most valuable industry domain sales have never been disclosed, Cannabis.com is rumored to have fetched $5M, and in 2022, MarijuanaDoctors.com with content was in fact acquired for $3M.
Also recently reported: Haze.com sold for $230k, and GreenRoads.com for $160k. Domains like 420.com and CBD.com would certainly sell for millions, not to mention the current business valuation of WeedMaps.com at $1.34 billion.
Below are a few more published sales.

Sold in 2012, this price tag is actually $5,850,000 in today's money adjusted for inflation.
This shows the industry value of
the most most sought after,
coveted domains.
Sold in 2018, this price tag is actually $635,000 in todays money adjusted for inflation.
Kush is a well-known term to many, and shows the value of a commonly used phrase.
Sold in 2019, this price tag is actually $620,000 in todays money adjusted for inflation.
CBD Oil is a very specific industry niche, and shows the value of a
direct product domain.
'Happy 420' is the established, legacy, international,
'brand name' of its own, 54 years in the making.
Make this your own global brand.

The sale of Happy420.com will be processed using Escrow.com,
the world's leading transactional platform for domain sales.
Included with sale is Happy-420.com.
email: 420@Happy420.com